Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Best look ever

So I redesigned the look to my blog today because I can. It is probably the best blog ever now, or at least the best blog out of 7 people. I wasn't too satisfied with the trendy black layout. For those of you who have an all black bloggy thing, know that I don't hate you, but I definatly look down on you and think that you have zero independence. I hope that it dosent make you sad knowing that my blog has a more individual look than yours. Now, there ARE some of you who have more independent blogs, even some of you who have fully created yours, well...props to that bros and broetts. (girl bros) Thats all I have to say, and when I think about it, there is still no one to even read this, sigh, alas, I shall continue being lonely. There is even a pair of shoes who are less lonely than I. They are so happy, and I'm just a lonely, new blogger.


jessespringer said...

RIIIIIIIGHTEOUS! Hola, senior Leith. Good to see you. Don't know why I say that tho, cause I've posted one blog total in several months and will probably never post another one. But HEY ANYWAYS!!!


Shannon said...

Dude-- chill out. The trendy black one is-- well, just fine.

Lindsay said...

BABY I GOT INTO BIOLA! i know this has nothing to do with your blog but its the only way i can get ahold of you while your in africa.

i hope you get this i dont know if you will. but even though i cant go there im excited. love you!

Greg Leith said...

I am praying that God's power will be on display as you take His love to Embu, Kenya!


Greg Leith said...

I'm praying that God will demonstrate His awesome power on your trip to Embu, Kenya as you bring water for thirsty bodies and thirsty souls to Africa!


Shannon said...

are you alive, or what??

Shannon said...

well, nice trip!

Shannon said...

post some PICS.